Computer Lab Computer Lab CR 3100 (Calendar) Room Usage Registrar approved classes only. Technical Features 1 Television Display with Zoom Capabilities and Camera Multimedia Podium Ceiling and Lapel Microphones Policies & Procedures All venues must be restored to the original condition in which you received it. Make sure to Food and beverage are not permitted in COHS classrooms. Push in chairs and adjust any furniture that may have been reconfigured. Remove trash and belongings Wipe down white boards Turn off television By reserving any space within the Health Sciences Complex, departments agree with all Health Sciences Complex Reservation Policies & Procedures, UC Irvine Policies, and applicable federal, state and municipal laws and ordinances. Submit a Reservation Request Please fill out the Reservation Form below. You will receive a response from our team within 3-5 business days. Reservation Form CR 3100 Calendar Please note: Calendar of availability is for reference only. Room availability will be confirmed upon request. Should you have any questions regarding a current or pending reservation, please email